Brian Buckley makes pictures. Each picture is not a photograph, but a photogram. His Photograms are made by placing objects in direct contact with light sensitive material, exposing and then processing, all without an actual camera.
Since his first times working in the darkroom as a college student, Brian Buckley knew he would never abandon his love for chemical photographic images, especially the photogram. Buckley finds photograms more intimate and a record of the moment of exposure when and wherever it was made.
Brian Buckley’s work with cyanotype photograms began at an art studio rental on the lower east side, at the Clemente, 107 Suffolk Street. He could not use the space as a proper darkroom for gelatin silver photograms, so he adapted by using a more flexible and affordable medium, the cyanotype.
After his first solo exhibition of unique cyanotype, Ghost Ship at ClampArt in 2017, The artist wanted to challenge the cyanotype process (a process that predates silver gelatin) to see if there was a way to bring color in without reworking it afterwards.
ROOM 516
Title: Count Ugolino, 2020, 30 x 22”, work-on-paper
Title: Knot, 2019, 30 x 22”, work-on-paper
Title: Aphrodite, 2020, charcoal on paper, 3.5’x6.5’