Amal in Fokestone
The Lower East Side has the longest, most diverse, and richest puppet history in New York City; a place where the traditions of manifold cultures mix with each other, and then are spread beyond our city’s boundaries.
A true mirror of this rich history of rods, hands, strings, and shadows, The Clemente has been an epicenter of puppetry and diasporic arts in the neighborhood since our founders' collaborations with alumni from Bread and Puppet. Today we have the honor of anchoring perhaps the only bilingual (Spanish-English) puppetry company in the north-east, Teatro SEA.
The L.E.S, baptized as Loisaida, is also a core enclave for the Puerto Rican /Caribbean/ Latinx diasporas that have given Lower Manhattan its vibrancy and historical achievements in environmental, housing, public space access, and cultural visibility struggles. Our community is eager to welcome Little Amal in a celebration of our neighborhood’s Afro-Caribbean heritage and Latinx im/migrant contributions to NYC.