New York City Artistic and Cultural Institutions Team Up to Present Miguelabration!: A Celebration of Miguel Algarín’s Life and Work


New York City, New York, December 15, 2020 – Seven NYC artistic, cultural and educational institutions will team up to honor the father of the Nuyorican Literary Movement. 

 The Nuyorican Poets Cafe, City Lore, Bowery Poetry Club, Bronx Music Heritage Center, The Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center, Barnard College and A Gathering of the Tribes team up to present Miguelabration!: a four event artistic celebration honoring the life and work of Miguel Algarín, founder of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe and chronicler of the Nuyorican Literary Movement who died on November 30, 2020. 

On December 19th at 4PM, the first of four events including poets, musicians and friends will take place via Zoom, Facebook and Instagram. Writers such as Amina Baraka, Victor Hernández Cruz, Paul Beatty, Anne Waldman, Willie Perdomo, Pamela Sneed, David Henderson and musicians like Bobby Sanabria and William Parker will take the virtual stage in what promises to be one of the most significant artistic happenings of our time.

Three more future events in the Miguelabration! series include: 

  • Miguelabration!: The Open Zoom Room where writers will come together online in the tradition of Beat readings

  • Miguelabration!: The Miguel Algarín Video Anthology where artists and friends will be invited to contribute their poems/reminisces/songs on an interactive website

  • Miguelabration!: A Street Party! will take place in front of Algarín’s beloved Nuyorican Poets Cafe on Manhattan’s Lower East Side in September to honor him on his 80th birthday (COVID permitting)


Miguel Algarín’s life and work were covered recently in two New York Times articles: Miguel Algarín, Force Behind Nuyorican Cafe Dies at 79, 12/3/20 and Remembering Miguel Algarin, a Founder of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, 12/4/20 by Ed Morales.


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